Maihar Temple
Maihar is a city situated in Satna District of Madhya Pradesh State. The name Maihar is created from the mixture of 2 words 'Mai'(Mother)+ 'Har'(Necklace). In line with the Hindu Mythology it's aforementioned that once lord Shiva was roaming while carrying the body of mother divinity Sati, the necklace (har) of divinity Sati(Mai) fell down in Maihar, therefore people started calling its name Maihar. It is also considered as one of the 51 Shakti Peeth of goddess Parvati.
Maihar city is known for the Maa Sharda devi temple(around of 502 A.D.), set at the highest of Trikoota hill that is around five kilometre from the railway station. There are 1063 steps to reach the top of the hill, currently ropeway facility is also available there.
Maihar is additionally known for the Indian Classical Music.Ustad Allauddin Khan founder of the Maihar-Senia gharana was from Maihar. He was awarded by the Padma Vibhushan, India's second highest civilian honour in 1971. His known students are: Sitarist Pandit Ravi Shankar , Ustad Ali Akbar Khan.
About temple
This is one of the famous Hindu temple in India. This north indian temple is commonly known as Sharda Devi, and people living there (means localised) use to call this temple as Maihar Devi or Maa Sharda Mandir or Maihar Mata Mandir or Maihar Devi Mandir or Maihar ki Sharda Mata.
Maihar Devi Temple In Madhya Pradesh dotted with numerous holy sites dedicated to almost all the gods, goddesses and deities of Hindu religion, India is famed for providing much-looked-for respite from troubled self and rushed life of individuals. Inspired to take a pilgrimage gratifying their need to come under the refuge of God, they turn into devotees in one such place called as Maihar in Madhya Pradesh.Located in district of Satna, Maihar is a city associated with the Goddess Shakti, also known as Sharda Devi. On Trikut Hills, even 1063 steps to the hilltop to visit sculpture of Sharda Devi and Lord Narsingh do not stop pilgrims to consider the endurance and take the climb. Another mode of reaching the temple is ropeway. Developed in 2009, it facilitates the pilgrims short with vacation or restricted by physical ailments.
The temple has shrines for Lord Bala Ganapathi, Lord Muruga and Acharya Sri Sankara at right places as described above with a three time puja in accordance with the procedures followed in Sringeri main Mutt preaching the philosophy of Advaita in the foot steps of Acharya Adi Sankara. Indeed, this temple is a boon to those unable to visit Sringeri to have the darshan of Mother Sharadambika. Besides usual monthly important special pujas on such days as mentioned above, 10 day Navarathri festival is celebrated very devotionally commencing with Maha Abishek, followed by Laksharchana and Devi Mahatmiya Parayana for 4 days. On the Navami day (9th day) Chatha Chandi Yajna and Vidyaramba Pujas are conducted. Huge number of devotees brings their children for commencing their education. During the Navarathri festival days, Jaganmatha Sharadambika appears in alluring alankaras as Brahmmi, Maheswari, Gaumari, Vaishnavi, Indrani, Chamundeeswari and Gajalakshmi. Mother also comes in procession in the golden rath.
About the deity
The idol of presiding deity Mother Sharadambal is made of five metals – Aimpon in Tamil. It should be understood that Mother Sharadambika is but Mother Maha Saraswathi who came down to earth as Upaya Bharathi playing a vital part in the mission of Acharya Sri Sankara (incarnation of Lord Shiva) to establish Sanatana Dharma through His Shanmatha Sthapana. Mother Sharadambika is Goddess of High Wisdom.Mother is all merciful and smiling holding the honey pot in one hand, showing the Chin Mudra to the devotees and book in the left hand.The devotee will become learned at the very look of/at our Great Mother.

Legend says that the warriors Alha and Udal, who were battling with Prithvi Raj Chauhan, are associated with this place. Both the brothers were very strong followers of Sharda Devi. It is said that Alha penanced for 12 years and got the amaratva with the blessings of Sharda Devi. Alha and Udal are said to be the first to visit the goddess in this remote forest. Alha used to refer to mother goddess as 'Sharda Mai' and thenceforth she became popular as 'Mata Sharda Mai'.
According to mythology lord Brahma performed a yagna to sacrifice shiva and shakthi. Goddess shakthi arouse separately from shiva and helped brahma in creating the universe. After completing a work brahma decided to give shakthi to shiva. At that time his son dhaksha performed many yaganas to get shakthi as his daughter in the form of sati and planned to marry sati to shiva after getting into the world. But due to shivas curse to brahma that Bramha’s fifth head be cut off due to his lie in front of shiva. By this incident dhaksha got angry on shiva and decided not to let sati and shiva get married. However sati got attarcted by shiva and got married.
According to mythology lord Brahma performed a yagna to sacrifice shiva and shakthi. Goddess shakthi arouse separately from shiva and helped brahma in creating the universe. After completing a work brahma decided to give shakthi to shiva. At that time his son dhaksha performed many yaganas to get shakthi as his daughter in the form of sati and planned to marry sati to shiva after getting into the world. But due to shivas curse to brahma that Bramha’s fifth head be cut off due to his lie in front of shiva. By this incident dhaksha got angry on shiva and decided not to let sati and shiva get married. However sati got attarcted by shiva and got married.

It is believed that in this place shakthi's chest part fell down. Another interesting story was that there was a cowboy who used to go to the Trikoot hill for grazing the cattles. One day he saw one golden coloured cow was along with his cattles but at the time of his return it had vanished, He was very much surprised to find this and decided that next day he would definitely catch that cow and ask its owner to pay him for grazing that cow.The next day at the time of his return, that cow went the other way and he started following it. After a certain distance the cow entered a cave and door of the cave closed. Despite his repeated calls nobody opened the door and the cowboy kept sitting there. A few hours later a very old lady opened the door and enquired of the cowboy about his problem. Thereupon he said he wanted some remuneration for grazing her cow.
The old lady gave him some grains and advised him not to come here again. The cowboy asked her how she lived there alone she said that was her home. The cowboy returned home and found that the grains had turned into costly jewels and gems. He thought these things were useless for him so he went to the king and gave him the same and told him all about. The king wondered and asked him to take him to that place the next day. That day itself the King saw a dream wherein that old lady told him that she is Adi Shakti ( super power) Maa Sharada and asked him to build a shed over her idol at the top of the hill and arrange the required passage so as to facilitate her devotees to come to her and offer their prayers. The King accordingly made all arrangements. People pray in the temple to achieve high ranks in academic field and for child boon. Devotees perform milk abishek to Mother and offer pudding nivedhana.
Best time to visit
Anytime of the year but preferably from October to March to avoid hot summers.
The temple is open from 5.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. and from 4.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Devotees from around the world visit the temple especially during Ram Navami and Navaratri.